Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tales of Terror:The Black cat

We watched The Black Cat movie today.

-Find 3 things that are similar from the movie to compare
the story, and 3 things that are different between them.


The Black Cat

Firstly, we are introduced to the main character called Montresor Herringbone (Peter Lorre). Drunk and rambling he meanders his way home and forces his long-suffering wife, Annabel Herringbone, to gives him more money for drink. He hates his wife’s black cat which on appearance only stimulates his drunken rage further. Out on another night out he gets barred from the local pub and so on his wandering he comes across a wine tasting event and cannot believe his luck. In his intoxicated state he challenges the worlds foremost wine taster, Fortunato Luchresi (Vincent Price), to a wine tasting contest.

Fortunato Luchresi ends up having to carry a now very drunk Peter Lorre home where he meets Annabel and together they put him to bed. The story then cuts forward as Montresor in the pub describes how his wife now encourages him to go out and never withholds money from him anymore. The landlord reminds him that it is only since he brought Luchresi home that she does this. Montresor, livid, waits outside his house and, proving his suspicions, Lucressi emerges and kisses Annabel goodbye. Montresor enters the house acting normal and the does not see what happens in the house that night. However, the next day Luchresi arrives to take tea with the couple but Montresor is the only one present. Montresor drugs then Luchresi with wine. When Luchresi awakens he is chained in the cellar alongside his love, Annabel, as Montresor builds up a walls so as to inter them prematurely.

After completing the wall, Montresor continues his life but is soon interrupted by two policemen who wish to conduct a search of the house. He agrees and all seems to be going well as they do not notice anything suspicious in the cellar but they are alarmed by Montresor's reaction to hallucinations of his dead wife and friend. Just as the police are about to leave an almighty screeching begins to come from behind the wall. The policemen knock down the wall and behind it they find the two dead people and the black cat, hated by Montresor, screeching from within. Montresor had accidentally sealed in the pet as well and ironically the cat he had once hated unknowingly proves him to be guilty of murder.