Friday, September 28, 2007

The Yellow wall paper computer animation movie

Movie made in flash video by U.S High school students.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Yellow wallpaper short video

We watched a short video on the yellow wallpaper today. We noted that there were several things that were very different from the video and the actual book.

Some things that students came up with were:

- The names were different Elizabeth in the video Jane in the story
-John does not faint in the movie
- No baby in the movie
-The woman's illness seemed very serious, as compared to the story
-Elizabeth unlocks the door at the end in the movie-different from the story in which she tells John to find the key under a leaf.

-Yellow wallpaper word search
-Questions #s 1-7 due next class on TUESDAY.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Rest Cure

The powerpoint was about the rest cure that was widely used
by Doctors in the 18th century.

Dr. Silas Weir Mitchell developed the rest cure.
He essentially imprisoned women for up to two months, and gave them little contact with the outside world.
In the first few weeks, women were not allowed to engage their minds by reading or performing small activities.
Most were even not allowed to roll over in their beds, suggesting that they may have been restrained.
The attempt to do brain work sooner or later brings on symptoms of exhaustion he thought.

Finish the Yellow wallpaper questions due Sept.27.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Setting:New England

The New England presentations were in most part
very well done.

-Complete the description/symbol sheet

We shall talk about 19th century medical practices next class!

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Yellow wallpaper radio play

The Yellow Wallpaper
by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Dramatized by Laura Harrington
Directed by David Zoffoli


Sandra Shipley

Jeremiah Kissel

Sheila Ferrini

Dr. Weir Mitchell
Richard McElvain


Executive Producer.
Valerie Henderson

Sound Engineer
Jeff Whitehead

Literary Director Rachel Kadish
Associate Producer Scott Burnham


Joan D. Hedrick
James A. Miller

Funded by The Connecticut Humanities Council

We listened to the radio play of THE YELLOW WALLPAPER.

New England
A region of the northeast United States comprising the modern-day states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

-Find 5 facts that relate to any part of life during the 19th
century in New England USA. Include 2 pictures in your
-Half page to one page.

The Mark Twain House and Museum (Hartford, CONNECTICUT)

Throughout his career, Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) published more than 30 books, hundreds of short stories and essays and gave lecture tours around the world. By the end of his life in 1910, Clemens had become known as the quintessential American author having captured in his works the spirit, character and even dialect of a diverse nation. His writing also served to voice his running commentary on American society. Thinly veiled behind the mask of humor and satire, Clemens' writing often critiqued social morals, politics and human nature, making his literature a unique reflection of the American experience in the latter part of the nineteenth century.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Listening to The Yellow wallpaper

We listened to the Yellow wallpaper today.


-Read Biography:Charlotte Perkins Gilman

-Write half a page to one page about your room.

Try to be very descriptive and include as many of the 5

senses as you can in your writing.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Welcome back!

Glad you all returned safely to school.
The Mockingbird songs were reallywell done!
Congrats to all class members for your efforts!!!

In class we talked about the Yellow wallpaper in our groups.
Please do the following for homework next class.

-Make a character list/describe them
-What point of view is the story in?
-Basic plot events/highlights